Los eventos son aquellos fenómenos que surgen de ocasiones no rutinarias y que tienen objetivos de ocio, culturales, personales u organizativos establecidos de forma separada a la actividad normal diaria, cuya finalidad es ilustrar, celebrar, entretener o generar experiencias en un grupo de personas.
“Antón Shone y Brian Parry”
8Canes Cocktail Bar is active, versatile and dynamic. Therefore we adapt to the tastes and interests of our customers. You can consult your tourist accommodation, local partners (craft shops, workshops, etc.), different combinations of experiences (accommodation + dinner, drinks…..). Attractive experiences like the ones we show you down below.
Hotel Boutique The Cathedral + 8Canes Cocktail Bar
Enjoy 8Canes+ experience. It includes overnight stay at The Cathedral hotel boutique with breakfast included and a tasty dinner at 8Canes Cocktail Bar for one or two persons.
More information: info@hotelthecathedral.es
tfno: +34 928321140
Reservas & Contacto
Tlf: +34 928 016 898